Wednesday, October 12, 2011

42, -89

 A10 aka Asylum  

- lol And I'm back to - Oh! My! God! Jensen and Jared were SO young in the 1st season. Especially Jared. He was just a baby really. All young and with bangs and much smaller. Awww.

- Dean: "Sam! Dad's telling us to go somewhere. We're going."

Sam: "So, what? We've got to always follow dad's orders?"
Dean: "Of course we do."

That's just too sad for words. How John conditioned him. And Dean doesn't even realize that it's not a normal father-son relationship. Yeah, OK, maybe it was necessary, but still. Sad. *hugs Dean*

- Way to go! Sending Dean to piss of someone. Good choice, guys. *thumbs up*

- Um... I might have a new kink. Dean jumping over a fence. Go, Jensen!

- Dean: "Hey, Sam, who do you think is a hotter psychic? Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt or you?"

� Patricia Arquette        x
� Jennifer Love Hewitt  x
� Sammy Winchester    

Yeah, I'm gonna go with Sammy.

- Oh come on, Sam. You're in a haunted asylum and NOW you wanna talk about your dad?

- Survival 101: Don't go into a creepy asylum. Dude.

- Sam: "That girl, did she try to hurt you?"
Gavin: "She kissed me."
Sam: "But... But she didn't hurt you physically?"
Gavin: "Dude. She kissed me. I'm scarred for life."

Man, it's been a long time since I ROFLed. So, here goes... ROFL!

- Isn't Dean just dreamy when he manns a flashlight? <3

- Kat: "And Dean? He's your boss?"
And here we go again... ROFLMAO. Sorry, Sam.

- You shot him???! Sam?!! What the hell?!! You can't just shoot my D... I mean, Dean. You keep up with that and I'll have to vote for Jenny Hewitt. Consider yourself warned. *nods decisively*

- Dean: "You hate me that much? You think you could kill your own brother? Then go ahead. Pull the trigger." :(

- So, eyes on the back of one's head. Good idea, yes or no?

- Sam: "Do we need to talk about this?" No, let's sweep it under the rug. Cause, obviously, that's a much healthier solution. *rolleyes*

- Oh come on!!! John finally calls and Sam answers?! So not fair. Poor Dean. :(

- Wait. Does anyone know if Dean was running in this episode?

- Ten down, 119+ to go. *sigh*

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