Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I'm gonna die. And you can't stop it.

 A12 aka Faith  

- Dean's manning the flashlight again. And does such a wonderful job of it. *nods*

- Dean??!! NOOOOO!!!!!!

- We all know what's most important.

Dean: "You better take care of that car. Or, I swear, I'll haunt your ass."

The Impala, of course.

- Doctor: "We've done all we can."  What??? No!!! Save Dean!

- Dean's new number: 866-907-3235. 

- Man, Dean looks good in that hoodie.

- Cue Sam to the rescue. :)

- Oh look at that. Two empty seats on the aisle. How convenient.

- Dean: "Why? Why me? Out of all the sick people, why save me?"

So heartbreaking.

- Mrs. Rourke: "Why do you deserve to live more than my daughter?"

OK, lady, that doesn't help. Dean doesn't believe he's worth saving as it is. He doesn't need you saying thing like that.

- I think Dean should've told Layla what was going on. It would be easier for her to accept everything if she knew.

- Dean was running from the cops.

- That reaper smiling, funniest thing ever. lol

- Dean: "We did the right thing here, didn't we?"
Sam: "Of course we did."
Dean: "Didn't feel like it."

When it comes to doing the right thing, it seldom feels like it.

- Layla: "If you're gonna have faith, you can't just have it when the miracles happen. You have to have it when they don't."

That's kinda a definition of faith.

- Dean: "You know, I'm not much of the prayin' type. But I'm gonna pray for you.
Layla: "Well. There's a miracle right there."

- Twelve down, 117+ to go.

Dude, you fugly

 A11 aka Scarecrow  

- Nooo!! What's with the compulsive putting on of a T-shirt, Dean?
That right there is why I don't like Jessica Alba. She made Alec put on a T-shirt. (lol Not really, no. I mean, I don't like her, but it's not because of that.)

- Dean: "He's given us an order."
Sam: "I don't care." Go, Sam. lol

Sam: "I don't understand the blind faith you have in the man. I mean, it's like you don't even question him."
Dean: "Yeah, it's called being a good son."

Dean doesn't question his dad. And that's what I hold against John. I mean, yes, obviously, it was a good thing that he taught his sons how to fight, but he conditioned Dean and practically stopped him from using his own head. If John says something, Dean just does it. No questions asked.

- Dean: "My name's John Bonham."
Scotty: "Isn't that the drummer for Led Zeppelin?"

LMAO. Dean's always using names of famous people and he always gets away with it. And now he came to the boonies (Emily's words, not mine) and a hick caught him in a lie.

- I'm sorry, but small towns creep me out.

- Run, Dean, run. And then run some more. :D

- Dean: "I'm proud of you, Sammy."

- Meg: "Sam, come with me to California."
Sam: "I can't. I'm sorry."
Meg: "Why not?"
Sam: "He's my family."

Awww. Just awww.

- Emily: "I don't understand. They're gonna kill us?"
Dean: "Sacrifice us. Which is, I don't know, classier, I guess?"

- Dean: "I hope your apple pie is freakin' worth it!"

It's not. Maybe if it was some other kind of pie... No, no. It's Dean. Definitely not worth it.

- Emily: "So, what's the plan?"
Dean: "I'm working on it."

Five (or so) hours later...

Emily: "You don't have a plan, do you?"
Dean: "I'm workin' on it."

Yeah, you do that, Dean. *pets him*

- Dean: "How'd you get here?"
Sam: "I, uh, I stole a car."

So, he's not such a goody two-size13-shoes. Huh.

- What's with all the screaming, auntie Stacy, uncle Harley? I thought that the good of the many outweighs the good of the one. So, less yelling and more classy sacrificing, please.

- Dean: "So, can I drop you off somewhere?"
Sam: "No, I think you're stuck with me."

Oh, they love each other so much. It warms my heart.

- I don't really like Meg's cell phone.

- Eleven down, 118+ to go.

42, -89

 A10 aka Asylum  

- lol And I'm back to - Oh! My! God! Jensen and Jared were SO young in the 1st season. Especially Jared. He was just a baby really. All young and with bangs and much smaller. Awww.

- Dean: "Sam! Dad's telling us to go somewhere. We're going."

Sam: "So, what? We've got to always follow dad's orders?"
Dean: "Of course we do."

That's just too sad for words. How John conditioned him. And Dean doesn't even realize that it's not a normal father-son relationship. Yeah, OK, maybe it was necessary, but still. Sad. *hugs Dean*

- Way to go! Sending Dean to piss of someone. Good choice, guys. *thumbs up*

- Um... I might have a new kink. Dean jumping over a fence. Go, Jensen!

- Dean: "Hey, Sam, who do you think is a hotter psychic? Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt or you?"

� Patricia Arquette        x
� Jennifer Love Hewitt  x
� Sammy Winchester    

Yeah, I'm gonna go with Sammy.

- Oh come on, Sam. You're in a haunted asylum and NOW you wanna talk about your dad?

- Survival 101: Don't go into a creepy asylum. Dude.

- Sam: "That girl, did she try to hurt you?"
Gavin: "She kissed me."
Sam: "But... But she didn't hurt you physically?"
Gavin: "Dude. She kissed me. I'm scarred for life."

Man, it's been a long time since I ROFLed. So, here goes... ROFL!

- Isn't Dean just dreamy when he manns a flashlight? <3

- Kat: "And Dean? He's your boss?"
And here we go again... ROFLMAO. Sorry, Sam.

- You shot him???! Sam?!! What the hell?!! You can't just shoot my D... I mean, Dean. You keep up with that and I'll have to vote for Jenny Hewitt. Consider yourself warned. *nods decisively*

- Dean: "You hate me that much? You think you could kill your own brother? Then go ahead. Pull the trigger." :(

- So, eyes on the back of one's head. Good idea, yes or no?

- Sam: "Do we need to talk about this?" No, let's sweep it under the rug. Cause, obviously, that's a much healthier solution. *rolleyes*

- Oh come on!!! John finally calls and Sam answers?! So not fair. Poor Dean. :(

- Wait. Does anyone know if Dean was running in this episode?

- Ten down, 119+ to go. *sigh*

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Goal

I hope to be up to date by the time I leave for LAcon. Or at least to get to The man who knew too much. So, I have 4 and a half months to watch 115+ episodes. Sure, that's impossib... I mean, possible.

Let the mini marathons begin!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I have these nightmares. And sometimes... they come true.

  A9 aka Home 

- Sam made Dean go back home. :( Even though Dean swore to himself that he would never go back there.

- Dean saved Sam. Again. I'm seeing a pattern here.

- That monkey with cymbals is really creepy. Almost as creepy as clowns.

 - Missouri was really mean to Dean. ROFL. I mean... Grrrr.
"You boys grew up handsome. And you were one goofy-looking kid, too."
"Forgive this boy, he means well, he's just not the sharpest tool in the shed."

And Sam loved every moment of it.
Shame on you, Sammy. Dean's your brother. Y'know, the one that carried you out of the house the night your mother died. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

- That's one empty fridge if a boy can fit inside. Usually, in fridges, there's no room for food, let alone for a child.

- Run, Dean, run. :D

- Sometimes I really don't like that John Winchester.

- Two saddest sentences in this episode: I know we do. I don't know what to do.

Dean: "I mean, first you tell me that you've got the Shining? And then you tell me that I've gotta go back home? Especially when..."
Sam: "When what?"
Dean: "When I swore to myself that I would never go back there."
Sam: "Look, Dean, we have to check this out. Just to make sure."
Dean: "I know we do."

Dean: "I don't know what to do. So, whatever you're doin', if you could get here. Please. I need your help, Dad."

- Did I mention that sometimes I really don't like John? I mean, really. Sad Dean breaks my heart.

Nine down, 100+ to go.

(Originally posted on Friday, October 22, 2010.)

Okay, honey?

  A8 aka Bugs 

- I don't remember if there was any running. But there were bugs. So yeah, there probably was. 

- Sam doesn't mind spiders. Weirdo.

- Dean watches Oprah. *giggles* Actually, I think *rofl* is more appropriate here. *pets him*

- Sam, baby, don't let Dean trick you into going down strange holes.

- OK, I know that they have to stay dry somehow, but Sam and Dean with umbrellas... There's just something wrong with that picture.

- lol Guess who said: "I'm kinda hungry for a little barbecue, how about you?"

- Sam: "You know, we could get day jobs once in a while." 
It's obvious Sam doesn't know how annoying day jobs usually are.

- Sam: "We’re gonna squat in an empty house?" Well, you certainly won't squat in an occupied house. Doh.

- Dean: "Well, manicured lawns, How was your day, honey? – I’d blow my brains out." *coughseasonsixcough* So, what's next, Dean? You gonna start wearing shorts?

- "There's nothing wrong with normal." No, but normal can be overrated. Just my two cents.

Eight down, 100+ to go.

(Originally posted on Friday, October 15, 2010.)

Things he can do with a brush...

  A7 aka Hook Man   

- aka And THAT's why you don't reforge bloodstained hooks

- Urban legends, anyone?

- I wonder how many ppl had to lift Sam so he could climb up that house. *giggles*

- Welcome to going through dusty boxes... I mean, higher education. lol
Maybe I would go to a library every once in a while if there were guys like that there.

- Dean: "Stay out of her underwear drawer."  Guess Sam ran out and needs more. *giggles*

- There was running. And digging. And sweating. :D I'm shallow.

- Dean: "HE had the gun." Nice, Dean, real nice. Drop your own brother in it, why don't you. *smh*

- Oh come on! Like it was even possible that Dean, an experienced hunter, didn't know that he had to destroy the hook too. *rolleyes*

- And how did they manage to turn a big silver hook into a small silver cross pendant? I mean, without any leftovers? 

Seven down, 99+ to go.

(Originally posted on Friday, October 8, 2010.)