Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Okay, honey?

  A8 aka Bugs 

- I don't remember if there was any running. But there were bugs. So yeah, there probably was. 

- Sam doesn't mind spiders. Weirdo.

- Dean watches Oprah. *giggles* Actually, I think *rofl* is more appropriate here. *pets him*

- Sam, baby, don't let Dean trick you into going down strange holes.

- OK, I know that they have to stay dry somehow, but Sam and Dean with umbrellas... There's just something wrong with that picture.

- lol Guess who said: "I'm kinda hungry for a little barbecue, how about you?"

- Sam: "You know, we could get day jobs once in a while." 
It's obvious Sam doesn't know how annoying day jobs usually are.

- Sam: "We’re gonna squat in an empty house?" Well, you certainly won't squat in an occupied house. Doh.

- Dean: "Well, manicured lawns, How was your day, honey? – I’d blow my brains out." *coughseasonsixcough* So, what's next, Dean? You gonna start wearing shorts?

- "There's nothing wrong with normal." No, but normal can be overrated. Just my two cents.

Eight down, 100+ to go.

(Originally posted on Friday, October 15, 2010.)

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